okay, so now that i've got my little (and i mean little) "photo studio" put together i need to practice shooting other kids. ultimately i'd love to start doing this sort of thing on a more regular basis, and i don't mean with my kids. xander is already tired of me dragging him around to take pictures of him, i can only imagine it will be a matter of time before judy is running away from my camera too.
so this is the deal, if there is anyone out there who wants to get some free studio photos done of their kids i am offering to do them (gratis) through till the new year. it will give me some much needed, and appreciated, practice. the only downside for you is that you'll have to come to me (in waterton) and you get what you pay for: which is a noobie photographer trying to take pictures of your kids.
you supply the kid(s)/talent, i do the rest. currently i only have one backdrop, no props, and limited space. but it is a start! anyone interested can get in touch!
in the mean time, here are a few snapshots i took earlier today. judy is 7 months and officially sitting on her own. 2 months ahead of her brother....
Annie---count us in! I LOVE your pics!!!
oh man, sooo cute. love the hat. we'll come out sometime. i'll try and see when.
Hey I would LOVE to do this with my kids if you have some space available. These pictures are so cute!! DARLING kids! (This is Allison (Lawlor) Romeril by the way Annie!)
alison, skye and sylvie! lets do it! come out any time! just email or facebook me and we can set it up! i can do it WHENEVER!
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