Friday, April 22, 2011

Hong kong here we come!

Hong kong here we come!

Well we got on our flight after all. Was starving from not being able to eat dinner in calgary so we got some A and Dubb in Vancouver airport to tide us over. I was so hungry. Everyone was already exhausted from the ordeal in Calgary, so we were mostly looking forward to getting on the plane to sleep. Sylvie was looking particularly wasted.

After checking with the cathay pacific desk to make sure everything was okay with luggage and stuff we were all supremely relieved it all went without a hitch.

The flight didn't leave till nearly 3am local time, so we were all wiped out. I pretty well passed out as soon as we got on the plane, and missed "dinner" which was served at about 5am lethbridge time. Weird. I slept like a baby for about 3-4 hours, then attempted to watch a movie but fell asleep during. The remainder of the flight has been long, but nice enough. I've watched 3 movies, not including the two I attempted then slept through.

We land in about 30min. We are all ready for it. With the longest leg if the trip almost over we can all relax a bit. Plus, it is 6am in Hong Kong and already 23 degrees. Ready for some warmth. Plus I've skipped all of Friday and went straight to Saturday. Thats just how I roll. I will include a couple pre hong kong pictures if time allows. And maybe after our day in HK I will post a few more!


From my iPhone

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