Monday, February 7, 2011

is this the future?

do you have a picky eater in your house? we do. and it is a struggle every meal to get him to eat anything. at dinner the other night as i was doing a "choo-choo" for Judy to get her to eat her food, i glanced over at rob, who had xander in a vise grip trying to get him to take ONE bite of roast beef. we virtually have to feed xander the same way we feed judy at this point. realising this, i had a sudden vision of his future... i will now share that vision with you via comic strip...





1 comment:

The Swans said...

Annie, you are so funny and creative. I have a picky eater too... who requires plenty of choo choo's. I havn't tried a rocketship yet, maybe that is the key!