Saturday, April 23, 2011

6 hours in HK

My feet are sore. But the day was awesome! We did a walking tour of HK and it was really cool. It started off pretty boring (sorry mom, what I meant to say was "slow"), but picked up as we went along (especially after we had lunch).

We saw a lot of the new/modern HK with many office buildings, and a really cool garden. We were all starving though, so after we took the tram up to Victoria peak, we got some food. We ate at "the best vietnamese restaurant in hong kong" (according to our guide). It was pretty awesome.

After lunch we saw more of the local scene. Some markets and local night spots that are popular. One of the coolest things was seeing the graffiti about the missing artist Ai Wei Wei. Look him up, he is very cool.

We walked at least 7km, and now my feet are a bit sore. But we are all doing really well.

Today was also some sort of national holiday weekend, so there was virtually no one in the city. Nice not to have to fight with crowds. I HATE that.

We have been having a good time with each other. We are tired, but all looking especially forward to the next few days when we get to Kathmandu.

5 more hours of air travel and we will be at Kathmandu. Can't wait to get trekking!! Bit first we'll have another touring day, this time of Kathmandu. I am REALLY looking forward to that. Should be able to get some pretty gnarly pictures.

Peace out!

Big time love to my Rob and kids! I can't help thinking how much Rob would love this. Rob, if you are reading this, we went to a really cool Taoist temple. It made me think of you.

From my iPhone


-Annie V- said...

I saw something on TV just a bit ago about this artist. Some very cool work.

-Annie V- said...

This post was made by rob not annie.