Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Day 2 - Phakding to Namche

Well, Sylvie and Peter say that they found a place with wifi, so I will give if a go on the iPhone so I can post some pictures too.

Today we hiked to Namche. It was grueling. Our starting elevation from Phakding was about 2600m. Our final elevation in Namche is 3440m. Really the first few hours were okay. Our guide, Gyanu, called it "Nepali flat". Which really means lots of up and down. We didn't gain much elevation in that time. Maybe 50-100m. Then we came to the steep part. We started on that just after lunch. It was a VERY intense incline. You gained a lot of elevation in a short amount of time.

So before the steep incline things were going really well. Felt good and didn't have any stress. I was slow going, but everyone was going at an even pace. As we progressed it was easy to see different paces. Randy goes goes goes. Ian too. But they aren't careless and rest a lot. Pete is more middle if the pack. Dad Sylvie and I are back of the train. We really take it easy. Everyone is taking it easy. We all agree when it comes to hiking, none of us are in a rush.

Once the hiking started to get steep, WHOAH!! It was VERY steep. I don't think I've hiked anything that steep before. Luckily the trail is just steps. Steps and steps and steps. It is actually nice that way. Keeps your feet more flat, less strain on the ankle/heel. So for 2 hours it was steps. We would walk 25 yards then rest. We really kept it easy and slow. I don't think I saw Randy or Ian that whole time once things got steep. I saw Pete a few times. I was tired in my legs a bit, but no cardio stress. I'm mostly worried about my cardio, so I've been happy with my performance so far.

I was really happy to see Namche bazar. I was tired! We got to our teahouse at about 2:45, and I had a hot shower by 3:00. Best shower ever! Even though the water pressure was bad and it stunk like BO, it was heaven.

Right now we are waiting for dinner. A note on the food: we like the mountain food quite a bit better than the food in Kathmandu. We've had very good veg fried rice, fried noodles, oatmeal, and potato dishes.

We've got a rest day tomorrow that we are all looking forward to.

Cindy- pete says hello and that everything is going well. He is going shopping for you tomorrow! (we've found some neat stuff already)

Mom- dad says to tell you the guide kept telling him to SLOW DOWN!! And that he got tired of waiting for Randy all the time. (that is not true, he is just being stupid. Really, we kept slow and are feeling okay)

I think that is all for now. If I think of anything else I will add it before I use the wifi.

Ian is wowing the guide with card tricks right now. Pete and dad are having a hard time staying awake, but we are going to try and stay up late tonight. We can't keep going to bed at 830.

Anyway, I will post some pictures too. All the pictures will be from the Lukla to Namche leg of the journey.

Oh yea, the bathrooms have been pretty good so far. Sylvie dropped her sunglasses in a "porcelain hole in the ground" though. I laughed really hard.

Peter and dad want me to add a comment about the hike. They want me to make sure people know how "niggardly" and awful the hike was. People were sick on the trail puking (not us) and it was the hardest incline we've ever had to climb. Pete says that the Sherpas are the men. They carry loads that are unbelievable. Some of the are just boys! they have hard jobs.

Okay that is all for today. I am going to eat my mushroom pizza now.

Mushroom pizza was no good. Mushrooms were chewy. Probably came from dehydrated.

My porridge for breakfast will be much better.

From my iPhone


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update.
I'm glad everyone made this hard day.
We in North America have forgotten how some men have to make a living. The sherpas must be something.

Tell everyone ,"way to go."


cindy W said...

i love this update Annie!

Maria Thomson said...

I hope you can still get wi-fi higher up to post your adventures! We are loving your blog!